Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Pleased With Ourselves

I understand that the title of this entry might have a subtly morose undertone to it, but i swear I'm a reasonably happy person, but today I witnessed something that completely and utterly blew me away. A fellow co-worker of mine attempted to write the word obnoxious. I don't exactly remember the sentence he was writing, but the point still stands. What I witnessed was something I never thought could be turned into something tangible, but lo and behold, there it was right in front of me in the form of a 22 year old man spelling the word obnoxious, "obnictious". The previously un-tangible thing I was speaking of is of course the undeniable decline of the American youth. Granted, I'm a 22 year old guy myself, but the "problem" is popping up more and more, this just happened to be a recent example. The fact that he wrote the word wrong isn't the only problem, it was the fact that he swore up and down that he in fact did spell it right. Then when proven wrong he said, "Well that's just a weird way of spelling it. That's like the only English word with an X in it." I think I know what went wrong too. Text messaging and online messengers (MSN Messenger, Yahoo, AOL). I'm not saying any of these things are bad, hell I use that stuff more than most. It's just the fact that kids are slowly starting to ignore what they learn in school and instead remember the way they say things online. It's starting to get ridiculous and I think we should start shock therapy on 3 year olds.